Whoops! we've been neglecting this site recently, getting caught up in '1066' fever. So, here's a clash between the Ottoman Turk's & the Imperial's.....
The time, early 16
th Century, the place Central Europe.
Babbelsburger, the home of pig farming & turnip growing. A mighty Ottoman force under General
Suleybad the Unmerciful has crossed the frontier eager for booty & slaves. An Imperial army is sent quickly to the area & set up camp outside
Babbelsburger. The sun rises & lead elements of the Ottoman force arrive.
Jack would play the horrible Ottoman's & yours truly the Imperial's. As usual we have a twist to the game. Only a few elements would appear on the table at the start. An extra die roll would be made at the end of each turn, this would determine how many elements for each army would appear. The Ottoman's would show up on one of two roads leading to
Babbelsburger, the Imperial's would appear from their camp. The Ottoman's would not have a camp for this one.
67 Ottoman Turk 1512-1570. 4x3
Cv, 2x2
LH, 2x4Sh, 1x3
Bw, 1x3
Bd, 1x2
LH, 1x3Dr.
19 Spanish/Imperialist 1519-1559. 1x3Kn, 1x4Pi, 1x2
Lh, 1x4Pi, 2x4Pk, 1x3
Bd (Sword), 4x4Sh, 1
I always love these games, as they consist of three
disinct phases. The initial mobility phase where
both armies rush for the best field position. Skirmish phase, minor actions take place. The big battle phase, the lines are drawn & off we go...
The Battlefield
Imperial forward units, Artillery & Blades
End of turn one, reinforcements....
The Ottoman's use their mobility.

The horsemen of both sides move towards each other.

Ottoman reinforcements, 'heroic' Dragoons. These would
perform poorly throughout the battle.
(we just put together a Light Horse & Psiloi together for this game, looked Ok...)

More Imperial's get out of bed...

The Imperial's are outnumbered on the right.

'Come On!!'
Landsknects with Big Swords utter taunts to the Ottoman's...

Jack's reinforcement roll is spot on.....

I opt to give ground until more troops arrive...

Hooray! More
Landsknecht's get out of bed...

Nice overview....

Jack sends in the Ottoman Light Horse.

All the Ottoman's have arrived

All the troops race to deploy.

Typical, first skirmish to Jack!

Oh dear! My D6 hasn't warmed up yet,,,

A few turns on & Jack's
Janissaries are ready to rock...

A firefight & the Ottoman Dragoons leg it from

The battle is shaping up nicely!

The main lines about to clash on the Imperial left flank.

The Imperial Pistols still haven't woke up...

But help from Imperial
Stradiots result in the first kill.
Meanwhile poor PiP's & my indecision result in the Landsknecht's not doing much.

Jack's Ottoman's have had their '
Weetabix' today & are straight in..

Bah Humbug! The Ottoman's take out the Artillery & force back the Imperial's...

The Imperial line is quickly reformed.

Aha! It's looking better on the Imperial right.


Errrrr.... I try to dazzle Jack with my amazing battle formation....
He just mocks me. :o(

The Imperial Knights are left alone with the Ottoman Light Horse... A big no no!

More recoils....

The fearsome Ottoman Dragoons add support to the Light Horse......

.....with the obvious result.

Jack takes too many turns redeploying the Ottoman Bows & I take advantage.

A mixed result...

Overview of the battle so far.

DAZZLE! Polished shields blind the Imperial's....

The Imperial Pistols fire blindly.... With success!

The main line is back & forth.


More troops arrive on the Imperial right for both sides.

The Ottoman Dragoons are off again!!!!

Jack's Ottoman's just lacked the 'killer blow' on the left.

Eventually, I manged to get the upper hand....

I even 'throw in' the Imperial General to help out....

The main Ottoman line gives ground...

I fancy my chances now, one more kill needed....

Rahoo!!!!! Victory to the Imperials!!!!!

Landsknecht Pike & Shot win through in the end...

A cracking game, it could of went either way. For a long time I thought Jack's Ottoman's would do it. Never mind, he's won too many recently, got to bring him 'back down to earth'!
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