The first game in our 'Beyond the Golden Gate' Campaign. Jack took the Sassanids (boo hiss) while I had to have the Byzantines. Double sized armies on a large table, plenty of Horsemen as well. It would be nice to see the large 6 figure Byzantine Cavalry elements in action too. One side of the battlefield had small hills, while rough terrain was placed on the other.
Byzantines on the left & Sassanids on the right.
Set-up & direction of attacks.

A large open area dominated the centre.



The Byzantine right had Light Horse & Psiloi, I'm after Jack's camp...


The mighty Sassanid host, Clibinarii, Cataphracts & Elephants

The Byzantine centre, Cavalry, Knight & Blades

On the Byzantine right, the Horsemen manoeuvre for position.

On the other flank, the Byzantine have the numbers, could I make them count though?

Arrows fly across the field as the Horsemen clash...

Ha Ha! Back go the Sassanids...

The Sassanid lights race for cover...

The centre lines are about to clash...

Jack's got the numbers on this side...

Boo! Down goes one of the big Byzantine Cavalry elements.

Another round & recoils...

The Sassanid line is in a nice shape, I'm struggling to adjust the Byzantine line.

Come on... Hopefully the Byzantine Light Horse will 'do the job'.

Wooaa Lovely pic... The centre engages....

Bow & Lance, Man & Horse.....

I'm banking on this one, the Elite German Horse seek out the Sassanid Hordes....

The Sassanids get the upper hand in the centre....

....and again another Byzantine goes down. The best I can do is force back the Sassanids.

Gggrrrrr.... Back go the Byzantine Light Horse on the flank.

The Sassanids bully the Byzantines...

RaHOO!!!! The Mighty Sassanid Hordes get ready for action!!!

The centre is all over the place.

The Sassanid Light Horse get the better of the Hun Light Horse.

Pile in everything!!!! Surely the Byzantine left flank can win through...??

Even the Byzantine General is committed to the action.

AAAAARRGGHH!! Just when the dice roll for me..
Jack 'invokes' the Sassanid General's special ability, Divinity.
He gets to re-roll the dice and.....down go the Byzantine Light Horse.

I'm shaking my head at this point....

At least the Byzantine General is fighting back.

Down goes casualties 7 & 8, Victory to the Mighty Sassanids.....

We finish off the turn... A small consolation for the Byzantines....

Well on the scale of 'Whoopings' that has to be the Biggest Whooping of all time....
Jack is happy once more, he's back to winning ways. Cue the sound of 'EASY EASY EASY'
Procedure for an EASY (Cocky teenager teasing their father)
1. Place both arms, out-streched to the side
2. Bring both out-stretched arms together overhead & clap hands.
3. Throughout shout EASY EASY EASY!
4. Repeat.... Getting faster & louder!
Oh the shame! My Byzantine generalship is truly appalling.
Nice image. I liked it.