To make things even, both sides had exactly the same element types. 2 Cavalry, 8 Rifles, 1 HMG & 1 Artillery. Each Rifle & HMG element being Company size, Cavalry a Squadron, Arty a Battery. Jack played the Germans & yours truly the British.
Looking East across the Battlefield.
The heroic the BEF advance rapidly.
The heroic the BEF advance rapidly.
The Germans race for the crossroads too.
The British HMG takes position at the Farm.
Two companies of Scottish troops head to the British left flank.
A British Rifle Company takes the crossroads & prepares for the German attack.
The Germans fall back.
In HITT, units pursuit after winning melee combat.

The poor Belgian farmer is having his day ruined....
The poor Belgian farmer is having his day ruined....
OH NO!! The horrid Hun cuts down the tired British Rifle Company.
Get Back! British firepower sends them reeling.
But they are forced back.
The Cavalry forces engage, it would be back & forth for both sides.
That's just not cricket Old Chap!

Colonel Blimp leads his men forward, walking stick & all!

Recoil Recoil Recoil
Colonel Blimp leads his men forward, walking stick & all!
Recoil Recoil Recoil
Another German casualty, though Jack lines up for another attack.
Colonel Blimp gives the HUN a sound good thrashing.
Final Positions, the German Advance is delayed.... For a short time!
Three Cheers for the BEF... Hoorar! Hoorar! Hoorar!
A nice easy intro to Hordes in the Trenches, it went very well. PiPs were a bit of a killer though, as we had small groups all across the field. The game did flow & we both enjoyed it.
HITT is based on Hordes of the Things, the units we used today, Rifles = Shooters, HMG & Artillery = Artillery, Cavalry = Riders. Hopefully we'll get a few more unit types used in the next few games. Barrages = Gods, they need a 6 on the PiP dice to activate. Going to love to see how that one works!
I've really been struck by the First World War, fascinating but a very sad period of time in history. I've picked up a few copies of THE WAR ILLUSTRATED, which is collection of weekly newspaper reports from the First World War. Lots of pictures as well. Absolutely brilliant, if your interested in the period then I recommend them. I'll put up a few pics in future reports.