Game on, our 'try out' of the De Bellis Horribilis rules. I would be the Russians while General Amy took the Japanese. A straight forward enough game, one side defends, one side attacks.
To be fair, the battle was only half the size of picture below & concentrated on the Russians attacking the left hill.
The Battlefield, the Russian attack would hammer the left hill.
5 Japanese Infantry stands & one Machine Gun stand.
Hordes of Russians ready to go.
Russian Cavalry wait for the breakthrough
On they go, the advance was a bit congested.
The Russian Artillery advances, they would be in range next turn.
More Japanese fire destroys a Russian stand.

Steady fire from the Japanese forces back some Russians.
More Japanese fire destroys a Russian stand.
Russian Artillery fire, forces back the Japanese.
Russian attackers are repulsed
I send the third Russian Battalion off to the flank
Forward go the Russian Cavalry.
I send the third Russian Battalion off to the flank
Forward go the Russian Cavalry.
A bad round for the Russians!
At last one of the Japanese defenders is destroyed.
Russian attackers gain a foothold on the hill.
NO! They are forced back by Japanese heroics & Amy's dice throws.
Another Russian bites the dust.
Numbers start to count, some Japanese units withdraw.
HooRah! Crack Russian troops beat back the Japanese.
The Cavalry reach a support position.
The Russian Artillery woefully under performed.
A victory for the Russians but with VERY heavy losses.Mmmmm... What did we get from that. Well I must admit, the game didn't seem to flow. Whether it was the scenario or the rules, I don't know. The Russian attack seemed to be a little 'crammed', keeping the units in the radius of the Divisional Command. Ranges for the Artillery were quite short & the guns had to be moved very close to the enemy. Overall I reckon more questions than answers.
One big thing, Amy got bored, which hasn't happened in any of our other games before. Maybe that was me, trying to be a bit ambitious. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of things that I like about DBH, we just probably need to tweak it to suit our DBA style. Never mind, we'll give them another try out using WW1 armies.
STOP PRESS....... I've also come across a WW1 variant of the HOTT rules called 'Hordes in the Trenches', which after a brief read look rather good. Another excuse to have a game!
Plus Ospreys 'The Arab Revolt 1916-18' has just dropped through the post. Looks good & a Lawrence of Arabia Campaign is on the cards.... Bizarre, I've gone World War One Mad at the moment, now to build some more armies!
Hmmm. The game didn't look boring. I was actually sitting here thinking that I really want to game DBH Russo-Japanese War! Maybe you could extend the ranges on the artillery, and just tinker a bit to get a game you enjoy?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the report again anyway. Great work.
Cheers Natholeon for the nice comments!
ReplyDeleteYes, I agree with you, probably have to do a little bit of tinkering to get DBH to work with our gaming style. There's a lot of things I like about DBH. I thought it went Ok for a first try. It was an obversation with little Amy, over her getting bored. Maybe I was a little ambitious expecting her to fully enjoy it. Of course we'll have another game. I would recommend getting the Osprey book if you want further reading on the Russo/Japanese War.
All the Best
I am very interested in your WWI DBx gaming. Looking forward to how it works out!
No problems Chris, thanks for Posting!