The Prussian Hordes have invaded France! Brave Frenchmen rally to the Flag, Protect France! |
The Battle of Chézy-sur-Marne, the heroic French Forces(yours truly) against the evil dastardly Prussians (the petulant teenager Jack). We used the DBA15-19K Humberside extensions. Pretty similar army selections, the main difference listing the Prussian Troops having Muskets against the French having Rifles. Also the Prussians have double the number of Cannons. This is to reflect both sides having the 'upper hand' in the respective technologies. Two 12 element Armies for each side, the town of Chézy-sur-Marne is defended by a redoubt (+1 to defence). Amy sat this one out, preferring to watch the grudge match of Dad vs Jack. (Jack keeps whooping me in any console game lately, ggrrrrr I'm getting old)
View from behind the French lines... |
...and the other side. |
On come the Prussian Columns |
Brave Frenchman ready the defences!! |
BOOM! First Blood to the French! A Bavarian element is wiped out... |
The other flank & the Prussians move quickly... |
Poor rifle fire from the French |
The Bavarians deploy into line |
BOOM! The Prussian guns ring out... |
Weapons ring out on both sides, mixed results.... |
Forward men, there's no enemy in the centre!!! |
Oh, he's going to attack the guns... |
Ready to rumble on the other flank |
The Prussians press the attack!! |
BOOM! A brave French element falls to the guns... |
The Battle is in full swing now... No quarter |
The Prussians charge the guns.... |
Ferocious hand to hand combat |
Jack's attack is repulsed.... |
It's close at this stage of the game |
The centre is open, the French troops rush to take the Prussian Guns... |
'Allo Allo' Germans! |
HA! the French are fighting well.... |
BOO! Jack rolls a a 6 for PiPs & his troops explode into action.. |
The Prussian Cuirassiers charge in..... |
The centre turns into a confused fight |
A mighty scrap on the other side |
HA HA! The combat odds are stacked against the Cuirassiers & both bite the dust.... |
The Prussians are getting WHOOPED! One force is now broken.... |
Great PiPS for the French & it's like a swarm, pile in! Jacks not happy... |
A massacre is on the cards..... |
Attack!!!! |
Even the Prussian Guns are under threat..... |
Victory is near for the Brave French...... |
"Yer joking aren't yer?" Somehow a Massacre is avoided..... The first attack had Infantry supported by Cavalry, the 2nd just the Cavalry. |
VICTORY FOR THE FRENCH, the Prussians are legging it.... |
You said it mate.... |
Final positions.. |
Good Game, Good Game.... A nice one to have after some of our monster battles lately. The rules worked well, I thought the French would be blown off the field, but the Prussian Guns were disappointing. (mental note all guns will be +5 instead of +4 for future games). The only difference between Rifles & Muskets was the range. The Prussian Cuirassiers became unstuck, Rifles Quick Kill Mounted..
Victory at Chézy-sur-Marne! Well that's Amy & I making 'hand trumpets', we blast out the " La Marseillaise" & the petulant teenager Jack is banished back to his bedroom pit & the sinister world of online XBox 360, he takes it well & nothing is thrown at me .. this time...!!
Everybody.... Du Du Duu DUUUU du DUUUU du du DUUUU!