Right, the conclusion to our Mongol vs Poles/Teutons game.....Mongol Light Horse split up, some engage the Teuton Turcopoles.

Oh No.... Here it goes. The Teutonic Knights get first blood.

Now there's a gap in the Mongol Line.

On the other flank the Mongol Light Horse have open space.
Jack places a lone Polish Light Horse on sentry duty.....

Now this is a situation I've been through before.
The Teuton 'Steamroller' gathers pace, two more kills to the brethren.

Jack doesn't want to be outdone by his sister, the Polish Knights kill two more.

At last the Mongol Light Horse reach the Teuton/Polish camp....

Stalemate on the flank though... The combats fizzle out.

I ready the Mongol Cavalry....

EErrrr... Bad odds for the Polish Light Horse.

The centre of both armies stare across at each other....

RaHoo! At last the 'Dice Gods' shine down on the Mongols.

Teutonic Knights in full flow...

Bad odds for the Mongol Lights.... But help is on the way.

The Polish Light Horse leg it big style. I taunt Jack...

Rahoo! I forgot, you get 4 kills for capturing an enemy camp in Double DBA.
The game is all to play for now.
Though it's too late for 'Uncle Ogedai'...

Come on... Mongol Light Horse race to surround the Polish Knights.

I taunt the Horrors, that Mongol victory is coming.....

Battle overview from behind the Teuton/Polish side.

....Ggggrrrr! Now Jack & Amy are smiling again.

....GGGGGRRRRR!!! Another Mongol Loss, 1 to go for the horrors.

This is it! The Polish knights are surrounded.
The Great Mongol Victory is coming.....

The Mongol Cavalry manage to gang up on a lone Teutonic Knight.

Oh too late, Mongol Light Horse race to attack the Teutons...

One Kill more for the Mongols....

RaHOO!! It's now evenly matched....

.....but with a typical outcome, the 'Dice Gods' abandon me for the final combat.
Jack & Amy are victorious, they let me know it as well!
Good game, good game. Though it would of been a sneaky win if the Mongols had got that one. Both Jack & I forgot that capturing the enemy camp is worth four elements in DDBA. That changed things when we realised half way through. Still I can't take anything away from the Teuton & Polish Knghts, they did the damage. I should of got the Mongol Lights to encircle the enemy much quicker than I did, it could of made a big difference.