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Friday 24 April 2009

IV/80 Hussite

Woe.. Work's been taken it's toll lately, so here's a quick update. Here's our Hussite Army, it did do rather well in one of our earlier games. Lots of War Wagons, just don't go charging your Knights into them....

IV/80 Hussite 1419-1434 AD & 1464-1471 AD
1x3Kn or 4Bd(Gen), 1x2Lh, 5xWWg, 4x4Bd, 1xArt








  1. Love the Hussites! Your site has been an inspiration to me as I build my first DBA army. Keep up the good work.

  2. Cheers mate! If anyone gets inspiration from our stuff then that's great in my book.

    All the Best

  3. Weirdest army ever ^^

    Nice painted ideed. It must be funny to play with it.
