The setting, East Prussia 1914, the Russian Hordes have invaded & caught the German Army with it's pants down.... Another bash at the rules, this time using the Barrage element & bigger forces. The Germans would be defending the Bridges on the River, while the Russian Army attempts to force a crossing. Victory for the Russians would be to destroy 4 German elements and capture a bridge.
German forces consisted of an Infantry and Jaeger Battalion, each 4 Rifle element and a Machine Gun element. Plus 2 Cavalry, 1 Artillery and 1 Leader.
Russian forces consisted of two equal sized Infantry Battalions consisting of 4 Rifle, 1 Artillery & 1 Machine gun. A 5 element Cavalry Regiment with a Machine Gun support. One leader base & the dreaded Barrage element.
The Battlefield, one German Battalion covers the North of the River, the other races to defend the South. One Russian Battalion will arrive a few turns into the game.

BOOM! Jack rolls a 6 for PiPs and here comes the Russian Barrage....
My PiPs are rubbish & it's back to Jack. On moves the Barrage...
The Russian Cavalry sneak round the wood.
The other Russian Infantry Battalion arrives.
The Barrage moves on & forces back the Germans.
The Russian forces in the North get ready to assault the bridge.
Hoorar! I roll a 6 for PiPs & German Counter Battery fire ends the Russian Barrage.
BOOOO! Jack rolls a 6 & it's back on......
German rifle fire puts an end to the Russian Cavalry attack.
I re-deploy the German Cavalry to cover the North.
The German Artillery is too far back, 'Forward!'
The Russian Barrage is brutal on the Germans, the Infantry cross the river.
The Russians cross the River in the South.
German rifle fire forces back the Russians.
The Barrage rolls on, the German Cavalry arrive in time to be cut to pieces......

Oh no... I know what's coming......

Down go the German Cavalry, the Russian advance is.... 'Impressive.'
Jack pushes his luck & sends forward the Russian Cavalry,
but they are cut down by German rifle fire.

The Russian Infantry force the Germans out of the Wood.
Hoorar! German
Jaegers force back the Russians.

Hoorar! German Machine Gun fire cuts down the Russians...

The Jaegers are caught by the Barrage, Victory for the Russians.
Good game, Good game, Jacks 'whooping' out loud once more. Well that was impressive, Barrages are very deadly - as they should be! I must admit you did get a feel for their destructive capability. Once again, we're impressed with Hordes in the Trenches. Next game, hopefully get some Aircraft & Gas elements used.
Incidentally, the Barrage element is made from the material in 'Flames of War' Smoke & Flames pack.