This game turned out to be a harsh lesson on 'How NOT to fight a War Wagon Army'.
IV/80 Hussite 1419-1434AD & 1464-1471AD
1x4Bd(Gen), 1x2Lh, 5xWWg*, 4x4Bd, 1xArt*
*(We only had 4 WWg so we subbed a WWg for an extra Art)
IV/84 Burgundian Ordonnance 1471-1477AD
1x3Kn(Gen), 1x3Kn, 3x3Kn, 2x4Lb, 1x4Cb, 2x4Pk, 1x2Ps, 1xArt
Apologies for some of the pics the focus is a bit 'out'....
Initial Set-up, Jacks Hussites at the Top, he was supposed to be the defender...
The Wheatfield was classed as rough, while the ploughed fields were for visual effect.
The Burgundians. The 'village' was classed as a piece of rough terrain.
I placed all the Burgundian foot on the right flank.....
Yes, that's my Artillery in the camp (hindsight is wonderful)
Like something out of a Mad Max film, Jacks War Wagons zoom across the table.
The Burgundian Knights charge out to meet them.
Nice view of the dashing Knights.
'Bong' the Knights crash into the War Wagons... with not much success!
Ha Ha! Jack laughs with glee as his Blades advance into my foot troops.
Oh dear, I realise my mistake, there's going to be some 'chopped up' Burgundians!
The 'Heroic' Knights try again & again, well that's my story.
The combat odds don't look too good & Jacks rolls are spot on....
Recoil... Recoil... Recoil... Recoil...
Where's that Gun?
I send some Knights to help out the right flank.
Hack & Slash for the Hussite Blades! Two Longbows are hacked down.
I manage to get a lucky roll against one of the War Wagons.
Jacks General takes the Village & kills the Crossbows.
Some success, but it's not enough. Jacks took my right flank!!
Even the Knight reinforcements are killed by the Blades.
Jacks won it. My losses 2 Knights, 2 Longbow & 1 Crossbow.
Well that was truly pathetic on my part, what a shambles of a set-up. I didn't give the match-up of the troops much thought & I paid for it. Jacks 'Whooping' loudly again & I'm packing away the kit once more, penalty for losing the game!
Wonderful blog. I liked it.