Another Napoleonic Germany 1813 clash now, with our take on the Battle of Mockern. Again using a free download from the nice chaps at KISR:
For our game, we put ALL the forces on the table at once. A bit tougher for the French (yours truly), whilst General Amy took the Allies. the game would last 21 turns, the first to ten points would be the winner. 3 points were awarded for the capture of Mockern, which would be classed as a BUA Built Up Area for a defender, resulting in a big defence bonus. The other villages would be classed as Fortifications. Again DBN rules.
The French forces took a defensive line from Mockern to Podelwitz, impregnable I thought till Amy put on her troops, 'EErrmm' I then thought....
Prussian troops advance at Mockern 1813 |
The Battlefield, Russians in Green, Prussians in Dark Blue |
Mockern with French Marines in support. |
The Russian lines |
The Russian Grand Battery opens up on the French Artillery entrenched on the hill |
The Prussian Infantry advance |
The fortifications count for nothing as the French Artillery is destroyed. |
Mass Cavalry clash in the north, as the Infantry engage. |
Up close, Prussian Elite troops attack the French |
But are forced back... |
Elite French Marines would form the backbone of the French defence, they fought well. |
Turn 6 & the French reinforcements arrive |
Amy forces the Prussians forward again & again. |
Prussian & French Cavalry, a back & forth clash all day |
The French attack forcing back the Prussians |
First blood to Ze French.... |
The Russian attack on Mockern starts... |
To take Mockern would take a lot of units. The hill would have to be taken first.... |
Awesome.... Mass Cavalry clash. 2 Nil to the French |
Another view of the battlefield, from behind the Allied lines.... |
As Harry Hill would say.... FFFFFIIIIIIGHT!!!!!!!!!! |
The Prussians storm Podelwitz.... |
Resulting in them capturing it (I know it's a Russian comments |
Oh no, the shame!! A 'winded' French Cavalry Brigade is destroyed by.... Cossacks UUUrrggh! |
The Russians take the French Fortifications on Mockern hill. |
The Allied Cavalry is winning |
But Hey! Superb French counter attacks destroys the Prussians.... |
Onward roll the Russians.... |
Casualties in the North, change the face of the battle.... |
Amy launches her Prussian Landwher units into the battle.. |
AAArrggh! The Prussian Elite Grenadiers finally show their stuff!!!! |
Amy unleashes the Russian Grand Battery on Mockern |
A few rounds of movement & the Allied attack goes in... |
In the North both sides take time to re-organise.... |
The lines clash in the South.... |
Who would take the day??? |
The Russian guns go BOOM BOOM BOOOOOMMM!!!! |
Breakthrough by the Prussian Grenadiers.... |
AAArrghhh! The Russians as well! |
D'Oh! Crappy PiP dice for the French when they are needed..... |
In go the French Cavalry for a last Huzzah! |
Prussian Cannister & 'heroic' Landwher musketry sends them packing... |
Allied Cavalry looks to exploit the breakthrough in the French Lines... |
The French Cavalry counter attack fizzles out.... |
FeldMarshall Amy is winning the day.. again!!! |
I withdraw the remnants of the French in the North to 'save casualties' |
Rahoo! The Heroic French Marines!!! |
Amy forces my forces back & launches a Mass Attack on Mockern...... |
Mockern Falls!!! Victory for Amy's Pwussians & Wussians!!! |
The Final Battlefield..... A good scrap |
Grand FeldMarshall PiPPin Von Krums After Action Analysis
Rolling poor PiP dice is never helpful
'Cavalry attacks without infantry support'...tsk tsk tsk
I LOVE BONIO's ruff ruff ruff