General Amy inspects the DBA 15-19K playsheet.

Washington looks out across the battlefield.

The American & British centre.

The French march quickly to the battle.

Lafayette's command would be critical to the battle.

Jack sends in the French Hussars & Indians.

The Hessians arrive.

Here come Arnold's troops.

Overview of the battlefield from behind the British lines.

'Left Wheel!' Arnold's troops prepare to deploy.

The French Army would face off against Arnold's British troops

'TALLY HO!" Tarleton's Cavalry charge the French Hussars...

'BOOM'.... First blood to the American's.

The British in the centre attack the American Jagers.

Honour & Glory... and all that stuff

The British Artillery takes a hard pounding.

British Light Troops help out Tarleton.

'HooRAH HooRAH HooRAH' Down go the French Hussars.

Nice view from behind the American centre. Jack waited for the British attack.

The British are coming, the Hessians are as well.....

So are Lafayette's troops.

This flag always brings a chuckle from Jack & Amy....

British Light Infantry lead Arnold's troops into battle.

The Light Infantry get ready to attack the French in the cornfield.

The Americans stand ready, the Artillery is causing trouble for the British.

'Bah!' Another British casualty to the Guns...

The lines are drawn, Blue for the Americans, White for the French, Red for the Brits.

Poor Pips for Lafayette's troops, will they arrive in time?

The pesky Indians are no match for the British Light troops.

Musketry from the British sends the American Jagers fleeing.

Some of the Hessians are sent to reinforce the centre.

The French deploy

The major firefight is about to begin...

Muskets ring out & the dice are thrown.....


'Do What?' The Americans get the upper hand.... Jack & Amy are whooping.

The troops on the right are doing well.

'BOOM' British Guns ring out...

The British 'withdraw' to reform the line....

Lafayette's troops head for the hill held by the Hessians.

Nice view from the British lines.
However the British centre command has took a lot of casualties and they are close to breaking.

Part 3 coming up......